Sierra Club’s National Board Canvases Colorado To Elect Environmental Champion to the State Senate

Colorado’s future is on the line this November, with the special places, people and creatures we love all at risk. The oil and gas industry has made it clear that it will spend millions of dollars to elect polluter-friendly candidates to the Colorado Senate. We can’t let that happen -- and the Sierra Club’s National Board of Directors is committed to making sure it doesn’t.

That’s why the entire National Board of Directors canvassed alongside Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune and National Political Director Ariel Hayes this Sunday, September 30th.

The Sierra Club’s national leadership joined local volunteers with Colorado’s Sierra Club Independent Expenditure Committee to support a candidate in one of the tightest State Senate districts in Colorado: Senate District 16.

Who’s running? A strong environmental champion, Tammy Story, who is in one of the critical races whose result will determine the fate of the entire chamber and have a major impact on the future of environmental policy in Colorado. Big Polluters are committed to fracking and drilling across the state, but if elected, Tammy can help stop them.

Tammy is already calling out the billionaire Koch brothers for trying to buy Colorado’s elections. She knows the value of Colorado’s public lands and great outdoors because she’s no stranger to them; Tammy is an avid skier, cyclist, hiker, camper and paddler who is intimately familiar not only with Colorado’s precious natural beauty and treasures -- but, more importantly, with the need to protect them.

The Sierra Club is engaged in political work nationwide during the 2018 midterms, with initiatives in key races and states across the country to elect environmental champions and boot Fossil Fools out of office up and down the ballot. But it is local grassroots efforts like canvassing for environmental champions that will ultimately do the most to turn the tide, because every door knock counts.

That’s why the Sierra Club’s national leadership encourages Sierra Club members, supporters and environmental advocates across the nation to find a competitive race near you. Once you do, volunteer to support an environmental champion running at the local, state or federal level by hitting the streets, making calls, or even just showing up on election day. We did it in Colorado this weekend, and your local Sierra Club chapter can help connect you with the most important races in your area any time between now and november.








Paid for by the Sierra Club Independent Expenditure Committee, Thomas Young, Registered Agent. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.