Less Than A Week Until the Election!!!

We’re just five days out from election day, and while the polls are looking good, we have a lot of work left to do to protect our communities, our democracy, and the planet. The Sierra Club Independent Action is working tirelessly to reach every voter we can and ensure they cast their ballot. 

Yes, nearly every poll right now is giving us confidence that we will finally defeat Donald Trump. But we’ve felt this way before, and we’ve seen the disastrous results that can come from not finishing the fight. So while Joe Biden maintains a sizable advantage in national polls and Democratic leads in battleground Senate contests, there is a lot of race left -- especially given major unknowns including the pandemic, the historic levels of people voting by mail, misinformation campaigns, and foreign interference. 

That’s why, regardless of what the polls say, we are working around the clock to make sure we see this fight through to the very end and win back the White House and Senate. We have already scaled the largest political mobilization in Sierra Club’s history, but we will keep growing it over these final few days. 

Already this election cycle, we have mobilized more than 35,000 volunteers, reaching more than 1.8 million voters, shattering Sierra Club volunteer-action records. In our GOTV action in key battleground states we have handwritten 1.27 million letters, made nearly 3.6 million phone calls, and sent more than 19 million text messages. This past Monday alone, we had 212 volunteers on the dialer who made more than 75,000 calls to Florida and Pennsylvania.

But if we’re going to bring the change needed to finally address the climate crisis, this election cannot just be about electing Joe Biden, winning the Senate, and holding the House; it has to be about winning up and down the ticket across the country. That means winning races like Chrysta Castaneda running for the Texas Railroad Commission Texas's oil and gas regulatory body. 

For the first time in 30 years, Democrats have a shot at winning a seat on the Railroad Commission, which would be a massive victory for our clean air, clean water, and health The Commission is the sole regulator of the oil and gas industry in a state historically defined by oil and gas. If Chrysta wins, she would push the TRC to enforce its own laws and can put an end to the practice of flaring.

Let’s keep up the good work. Just five days until election day means five days remain to organize, donate, and get out the vote for one of the most volatile and high-stakes races in election history. Join us in action now.  

Political Advertising paid for and authorized by Sierra Club Political Committee of Texas and Sierra Club Independent Action, www.sierraclubindependentaction.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.