Help Us Write Trump Out of Office

With every passing day, it becomes clearer just how much is on the line this November. Donald Trump and the Republican Party are pursuing voter suppression tactics that threaten our democracy. They’re rushing through a Supreme Court nomination that could have repercussions for generations. And Trump has even refused to say whether he’ll concede the election if he’s defeated.  

Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised. Trump has spent every minute he’s had in office shredding our foundational protections for workers, immigrants, asylum-seekers, LGBTQI+ people, and the environment. He has let more than 210,000 Americans die out of incompetence, callousness, and fealty to the corporations that wanted to reopen -- and he continues to downplay the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic for political gain. 

I knew I couldn’t miss out on the chance to contact voters this year. One way I’m doing that is by writing letters to voters in swing states with my family.

Even after being hospitalized with COVID-19, Trump refused to take the most basic precautions recommended by the government's top medical experts and scientists. Not only has he put his family, staff, and his supporters in peril by both speaking and acting recklessly, his actions have thrown the highest levels of our government into further disarray. 

We have the chance to do more than kick Donald Trump out of office. We can replace him with the candidate running on the most ambitious climate plan ever put forth by a major party nominee. We can have a leader in the White House who respects science and shows decency, empathy, and humanity. 

I knew I couldn’t miss out on the chance to contact voters this year. One way I’m doing that is by writing letters to voters in swing states with my family. It’s easy, fun, flexible, and COVID-safe. And it’s an excellent reminder that no one is too small to make a difference -- not even my eight-year-old daughter. 

The challenges we face right now, from the climate crisis and the pandemic to the long-simmering crisis of racial injustice and ongoing climate-exacerbated disasters -- may feel overwhelming. But I know that every letter we send matters: Each one has the potential to activate an inconsistent voter and remind them how important it is that they get to the polls this year or vote by mail. The more letters we write, and the more calls and texts we send, the more voters we can turn out -- and the more likely it is that we can make this election a landslide. We can help create an overwhelming mandate for meaningful COVID-19 relief, climate action, action on racial justice, and an end to this devastating recession.   

If you’re ready to give your all to defeating Donald Trump, and help us meet our goal of sending 1.2 million letters to voters in key states, please join us. We know what we need to build a brighter future for this country: Leaders who will fight for us and the planet we depend on. In fewer than 30 days, we have a chance to vote one in. Get started writing letters today.